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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Location, Location...

Location, Location...


I'm always looking for new locations to shoot, but sometimes I forgot to look close to home, like in my own backyard, or in this case - my neighbor's backyard.  I was "stuck" at home a couple of weeks ago while my truck was being worked on.   The lighting outside was just perfect for portraits, as it was trying to decide whether to rain or stay sunny.  Rain eventually won out, but for a few moments, the cloud cover was perfect and I was able to get some nice shots.

I hadn't realized my neighbors had done all this work in the patch of trees behind their house, and was quite pleased to find this great little spot to take pictures. 

And.. bonus!  The girls were bored that day and had been playing with each other's hair and make-up, so we were all set and ready to go!
 If only it were always this easy...

Monday, June 10, 2013

School's Out!

School's Out!

I'm hoping now that school is out to do a better job of posting to my blog.  It's been a little neglected the past couple of months.

Here are some pics I took of Katie the other night.  She gave me a great Mother's Day present - coupons for a photo shoot.  Notice I said coupons (discounts, really), on what I would pay her to pose for me.  So very generous of her!  After all my photography classes, I think my kids have had their fill of posing for me!