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Monday, December 31, 2012

A Rare Opportunity...

A Rare Opportunity...

Usually when I try to get my son to pose for me, it's like pulling teeth.  Not happening without some serious bribery.  Since they've begun to build in our neighborhood again, I saw my chance.  They parked this massive piece of equipment right across the street from our house.  When I asked Travis if he wanted to model for me on it, he immediately got up and put on his shoes.  And look at all those smiles! I guess I now know what motivates him!


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Who Says You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

Played around with my camera last night and learned how to put the "twinkle" in the Christmas tree lights.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

We Bought a Goat...

We Bought a Goat...

and two chickens.  Don't worry, we are not starting a farm!  After the rabbit post, you might be wondering!  It was for World Vision, to help provide for families in need.  I'm only telling you this for a couple reasons:

I've been very convicted about giving this year, particularly since I finished reading Jen Hatmaker's book, Seven and Katie Davis' Kisses from Katie.  I highly recommend reading these books if you haven't already.  When you truly realize how much we have been given in relation to the rest of the world, it's hard not to think differently.  But it is also very hard to put your good intentions into practice.  We decided to try to make giving more of a priority this Christmas (and I don't mean just to our own kids!)  It has been way harder than I thought it would be.  I still spent way more than I intended on our own family.

So when I talked to the hubs about the goat (about the same time I was getting ready to order Christmas cards), he suggested that I take the money I was going to use for the Christmas cards and buy the goat instead.  I'm not going to lie, that was really hard for me.  I always send out a photo Christmas card!  I wanted to buy the goat, but I still wanted to send my cards!  It's easy for me to throw some change in the Salvation Army bucket and feel like I "gave," but when giving requires sacrifice, it's so much harder to do.

In the end, the goat won out.  And the chickens.  I tell this story, not for a pat on the back, but in hopes that perhaps you too will realize that we have been blessed sooo very much compared to so many others in the world.  I know many of you have already been doing a much better job at this than I have been doing and I am late to the party, but giving globally is new to me and I'm excited about doing it. 

So, for those of you who usually get a card in the mail from me, consider this your Christmas greeting.  (Don't worry Mom - you will still get printed pictures!) May we remember our many blessings, especially the gift of God's Son.  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Meet the Newest Member of Our Family...

Meet the Newest Member of Our Family...

This is Blue.  My daughter, Kinsey, got her for her 14th birthday.  I've been itching to do a photo shoot with her.  Last night, Kinsey spent the night with her grandparents and I had my chance...

Blue was a very patient model, and did much better than my children at sitting still for her Christmas picture!

I can't wait to use her in Easter pictures!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Just had to post a few more...

Just had to post a few more..

I've been wanting to post more pictures of this session since I finished editing them.  I'm finally getting a chance to get a few things done, so here are more of my favorites:


Email me now to schedule your holiday session.  It's not too late to get Christmas cards!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Kuehl Family Sneak Peak

Kuehl Family Sneak Peak

I met this beautiful family from my own neighborhood in a field near our home.  They came prepared, with Santa hats in hand!


The kids were incredibly well-behaved for a three-year-old and eighteen-month old, and we had a great session. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood

Today I dressed up my kids in their Halloween costumes and took them deep into the forest...

When we started looking for costumes, we found Travis' werewolf costume first.

Inspired by "Once Upon a Time," and not thinking at all about her brother's costume, Katie decided to be Little Red Riding Hood.

When I saw them together, I realized I had the makings of a perfect fairytale session!

If only I could have gotten their older sister to dress up as the granny!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall Favs from 2011

Fall is here - time to start thinking about family photos for Christmas cards.  These are some of my favorites from last year...

Call or email me to schedule your session today!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Back to School

It's that time of year again.  Time to sharpen pencils, get new notebooks and put on your thinking caps.  My daughter and her friend had fun playing dress-up in these school uniforms and playing around with this vintage school desk.  And I had fun photographing them in the golden light of the setting sun.